Level 28, The Gardens South Tower, Mid Valley City
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603 2298 7322


Since McKinsey first coined the expression ‘the war for talent’, the term talent management has become increasingly common in the world of business.














In the past, the art of locating and retaining employees was solely the responsibility of HR. The process was historically looked at only in terms of filling empty positions and meeting immediate needs. In today’s world, with the focus on corporate performance management and results, it is necessary for the entire organization to be engaged in the Talent Management process. 


Leading companies around the globe have realized that traditional approaches to Human Capital management have to change in order to create and deploy the pool of talent needed for their organizations to succeed. 


This two day program is designed to expose the participants to the international Best Practices of successful Talent Management Programs, what the Talent Management steps and process are and all the latest trends in tools and techniques. Real case scenarios will be used throughout this highly interactive program.


Course Objectives

  • Gain an understanding of the latest trends and developments in strategic thinking about talent management

  • Link your corporate strategy to talent management

  • Understand the process flow to a successful Talent Management Programme

  • Learn how to tie your present programmes into a unified and focussed Talent Management Programme

  • Gain tools on how to attract and assess people with high potential

  • Gain knowledge of reward strategies and practices for high-flyers

  • Learn a Talent Management methodology that will create High Performance Teams


Who Should Attend

  • CEOs, CFOs, COOs, Directors

  • Heads of Department

  • Senior Management

  • HR Professionals


Talent Management Training

Learning & Development Programmes