Level 28, The Gardens South Tower, Mid Valley City
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603 2298 7322
Sample Psychometrics
Wave Professional Styles is designed for use with experienced managers, directors and professionals on either an individual or group basis. This questionnaire measures motivation, talent and preferred culture. It adds value to both recruitment and development, transforming the quality of the assessment process with the sophisticated use of technology and powerful models of effectiveness in the workplace.
This version of Saville Consulting Wave produces profiles that combine both Ipsative and Normative scores, across 36 dimensions.
Expert Report
The Expert Report has been designed for use in either
selection or development. It includes a Response Summary, an Executive Summary Profile, Psychometric Profile, a detailed profile across 36 dimensions, Predicted Culture Fit, Competency Potential Profile and a Personal Report.
Personal Report
The Personal Report provides you with summary feedback about your motives, preferences, needs and talents in a number of work relevant areas. It includes a profile with narrative intended for the respondent.
Types Report
The Types Report is based upon the styles assessment that explores an individual's behavioral tendencies in a number of work relevant areas. It includes a summary of People Type, Task Type, Leadership Style, Team Interaction and Management of Change.
Line Manager Report
The Line Manager Report is based upon the Saville Consulting Wave Styles assessment, which explores an individual's motives, preferences, needs and talents in critical work areas. It includes Competency Potential Profile and Predicted Culture Fit intended for use by line managers.
Leadership Report
The Leadership Styles Profile focuses on 24 leadership styles which have been derived from the 108 facets of the Wave Professionnal Styles model. It provides an indication of likely motives, preferences, needs and talents in terms of adopting different leadership styles. The 24 leadership styles are arranged under the four Wave clusters, with six leadership styles associated with each cluster.
Format: Web
Required Qualification: B